Electronic highway vignette

Úhrada elektronické dálniční známky se vztahuje VÝHRADNĚ na užívání zpoplatněných úseků dálnic České republiky.

Vehicle information

* Country of vehicle registration
* Beginning of validity
* License plate number
* License plate to check

Validity of the vignette

You will be informed about the activation of your vignette via email, including a payment confirmation.

How to buy a online vignette?

Please fill in all required information, correct any errors, and confirm your acknowledgment of the terms and conditions and information about registration in toll systems.

How far in advance can I purchase a vignette?

You can purchase the vignette up to 1 month in advance. During the purchase process, you can set a specific date on which the sticker should become valid.

Here, you can select and purchase an electronic vignette for your vehicle. We offer various types of stickers to suit your travel plans and needs:

  • Annual vignette - The best option for regular travelers, offering convenience and cost savings for the entire year.
  • Monthly vignette - If you have multiple trips coming up soon or are planning a vacation lasting more than 10 days, the monthly option is the ideal choice.
  • Ten-day vignette - Ideal for short trips or vacations with a return within 10 days from the start of the validity of the electronic vignette.

Who is obligated to have a vignette?

It's important to note that every motor vehicle with at least 4 wheels and a total weight not exceeding 3.5 tons must purchase a highway vignette. This obligation applies to most passenger cars, vans, and light trucks using our highways. Make sure you have a valid highway vignette to avoid fines and travel comfortably on our highways.